21:44 PM

TPA’s express curbside project is moving fast

Construction on TPA’s innovative express curbsides is moving rapidly with some of the biggest – and most complicated – elements in the rear-view mirror.

In early March, construction crews with Hensel Phelps finished the last of five major roadway detours needed to construct a new entryway bridge for the blue express curbsides. Now, crews are simultaneously working on multiple different elevated sections of the bridge, including the entrance, the primary bridge structure and the exit.

With the work largely out of impactful passenger areas, crews are making solid progress and expect to be done by or in advance of the Dec. 31 completion date.

In all, the express curbside project includes eight new express lanes that are connected directly into a vertical circulation building that transports guests directly between their vehicle and the third floor transfer level. This innovation allows departing guests to skip the ticketing level and allows arriving passengers to bypass the arrivals level, helping to decongest the terminal.